Weekend Update

{alternately titled, “Melissa is not creative on Monday”}

Thank you for being so supportive during my tantrum last week. Sometimes, even as adults, you just need a good tantrum to get you through. And you know what? I like keeping it real up in here, so I’m glad to know that so many of you like to do that, too.

This weekend, I managed to have a whole lotta fun and not snap a single photo. Whoops! That just means I have to steal photos from the inter webs to make my post visually appealing. Ready? Cool.

Friday night, my sister came over, and I made this recipe from Skinnytaste with white beans instead of chickpeas. We both gave it two thumbs up.

Arugula Salad with Penne Garbanzo Beans and Sun Dried Tomatoes1

And since it was super healthy and light, we had to follow it up with some $lutty Brownies–you know, a package of cookie mix pressed into a pan, then topped with a layer of Oreos and brownie mix. Because, you know, that’s not going to kill you at all.

$lutty Brownies 2


Saturday morning, I counteracted that nonsense by kicking my own butt in a 2 for 1 workout at the gym. I started with Body Pump, which I hadn’t done in years. I was expecting to be in major pain throughout the class and seriously sore for at least 2 days after, but I’m surprisingly not. Guess who’s not as weak as she thought???

Shockingly weak

Then, I followed it up with a spin class. Thank God for spinning. With my bastard back still not healed, I’ve been itching for some real cardio, and spinning delivers. I was happily drenched by the end of the class.

Saturday afternoon, my parents and I drove up to Clarkston to see my uncle’s new house. The trek is over an hour with no direct route, so I was glad my dad offered to drive. We arrived at their fancy new digs in time for Roo to have a play date with her cousin, Archie. After a not-so-quick tour (8,000 square feet??? Are you kidding me???), we made our way into town for dinner at the Union Woodshop, where apparently Kid Rock is a regular.

Union woodshop main street

We got to the restaurant around 4, and the wait was already an hour and 20 minutes. Thankfully, there was a bar upstairs and plenty of seats. They have couches and chairs strewn around in that casual way that usually only coffee shops really pull off, so we hunkered down with a few beers for our wait, which actually wasn’t bad. I’m a big fan of bars–you know, just hanging out and taking your time?–so this totally worked for me. By the time we were seated and got our food, it was after 6, so we weren’t totally there for the early bird special.

Our dinner started with some shared fried pickles.

Fried pickles

Then I had a house salad which was actually really good, and a pulled pork burrito, which was tasty, but I should’ve gone for the straight up pulled pork. I tend to forget that I’m not a huge fan of tortillas, so I ended up just eating the filling out of my burrito. Ordering fail.

Union Woodshop Burrito

Sunday included some yoga, a trip to the dog park, a little shopping, and a long walk for this lovely lady.

Dog bed

Yes, I got her a dog bed to discourage her new habit of climbing on the furniture. She thanked me by peeing on the rug. Twice. Rad.

And since it’s Monday, and I totally have my act together, here’s my weekly menu (I know you’re all dying to know . . . )

Sunday: Apple Bacon Turkey Panini & Roasted Broccoli

Monday: Spinach, Mushroom, & Turkey Bacon Frittata

Tuesday: Grapefruit Scallop Salad

Wednesday: Spicy Shrimp with Garlicky Green Beans

Thursday: leftovers of some description

Friday: ‘Shroom Pizza

Saturday: Turkey Rueben Panini

What’d you do this weekend?

Anything good on your menu for the week?

13 thoughts on “Weekend Update

  1. I was waiting for a picture of a random dog and an arrow that said “not my dog” since you were going with the not your pictures theme. 🙂
    I cannot WAIT to get back into spin. I found a place and I’m going to go soon. I wish you were here and I would spin with you till your hearts content. After that thing with the salad you promised. 😉
    Oh, and holy shit on that dessert. I.AM.MAKING.THAT.

    • Ah, yes, I did take one photo of Roo. And then the peeing ensued.

      I wish I was there, too. We could spin our faces off and then eat those brownies!!!

  2. hhrunner says:

    I am in a bout of running depression right now :-/ Have you gone to the dr. to get your back checked out? I’m going to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow because I’m sick of my knee being down for the count. Your brownies look lovely though, you should make some for me and then come over and eat them with me. I’ll have wine ready.

    • Ooh, that sounds like a fab plan. Wine and brownies are never a bad idea. 🙂

      I’m going to hit up the chiropractor just as soon as I decide which one to go to . . . next week is the plan.

  3. Niiice! I enjoyed all of the photos that are NOT yours. hahaha! great weekend. I’ve been thinking about spinning myself. Can you recommend some good booty padding?

  4. I am catching up on your blog and I have found myself laughing out loud at least three times. I feel ya friend, on so many levels! I am so sorry about your back and the whole not being able to run thing. I was there last fall and I am sure I had one too many days of being bitter at the running world. This too shall pass. Promise!

    My college roommates were from Clarkston and I spent a summer there between my sophomore and junior year. I love C-Town! I have a friend who worked at the Woodshop and it looks amazing, but every time I go into town I never want to fight the wait. One of these days!

    PS. Roo is so flippin’ adorable! Even if she pees on the floor. Twice:-/

    • Yes–go early and try it sometime. It really is delish! Thanks for the kind words. I know it will pass, but I’m so damn impatient!!! The good news is, today is the first day in 3 weeks I haven’t taken any pain meds. Wahoo!!!

  5. What a fun weekend, and a great dish to enjoy with your sister! I am proud of you for having those brownies too, they look divine and yeah, you really cannot go wrong with ingredients like that!
    You are so organized with your menu, I need to do something like this! Plus your ideas are fantastic 🙂

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